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Welcome, one and all, to The Voice’s website! I, Denise Gatt, shall be the editor of any content published from now up until my fellow second years and I endure the impending doom of our A levels, which is definitely a future none of us are keen to have to go through. But, alas, life moves on and so will this introduction, away from the nonsensical convolutions that make up my mind.


The online newspaper was recreated while keeping a basic and simple intention in mind: that of allowing any single person to express their own opinions and ideas which is after all, what truly leads on to our holistic education and ultimately, development. Communication is key; in any particular situation and I believe that through the medium of the written (or rather, typed) word any message of hope, constructive criticism or knowledge can be brought to light, for all to see and benefit from. This is exactly why I took up such an initiative and who would have known that through a measly Facebook post, such a response would have been elicited.  


None of this would have been possible without the team of volunteers that has been progressively building up with time. Every single one of them is precious and unique and contributes differently to the cause, helping it to attract different audiences and hence, discussions. Teamwork and hard work has brought us to this point and I genuinely believe that it will keep this initiative growing and improving. Each and every volunteer will have the opportunity to leave a positive mark on the school that has brought or will bring them so many trials, but also so much joy.  We still have a long way to go and unlike my attitude towards the A levels, I am indeed looking forward to The Voice’s end result. 


Live long and prosper, my fellow students. 


Denise Gatt, 'The Voice' Editor

The Editorial

Denise Gatt

The Best Snaps of The Month:


A compilation of the highlights, funniest moments, and the daily Aloysian student life, as seen through your eyes.


Send us snaps, and we'll screenshot, and publish them in our next issue.

Note: everything is screenshot, although not marked, and only the appropriate are published.


Add us on Snapchat: thevoice-sac

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