Hey there, and welcome to our newspaper’s Advice column!
I’m Jack, a first year student. We know how awkward it can be speaking to a counsellor - especially if you’re disorientated - so our solution is to fill the role of "Agony Uncle”. I as well as four other students form the Advice Team, which is a group of people intent on helping those who are in need and might feel uncomfortable relating to someone else.
The way this system works is that any one of you can send in a problem that’s been bothering you and the entire Advice Team will do their best to give you the best advice that they can provide. The system ensures that you remain totally anonymous throughout all of this. Your identity will be kept private unless you desire otherwise, and as aforementioned, your personal problems will be kept secret. We stress on the importance of professionalism. Remember that we’re students like you and therefore, we’re passing through similar experiences - and the advice will be allocated according to a collective opinion, so more than one person will be helping you out, hence helping you to relate better to the advice in this way. However, keep in mind the fact that we're not professionals so our responses should be taken as advice and not law- keep your own thoughts as the priority. We'll also need to be a bit careful when tangling with serious issues that could be damaging to someones health due to legal issues, so remember that we're citizens like you under obligation to report certain information.
To submit something you need advice on, submit it to the “Ask” Box below. We'll do our best to write our response and post it as soon as possible. If you just want the advice without sharing with anyone or publishing anywhere, just contact us directly through the Advice Column email, which is accessed only by members of the team. You’ll still be anonymous so your identity remains hidden, even to us. I hope we can be of help.
Here’s to the hope that we’ll be able to remove (even if partially) your obstacle.