SAC Welcome Party
Friday 3rd marked the day in which all the courses came together to celebrate their acceptance in one of the most prestigious schools our little island has to offer. Yes, you’ve guessed correctly - I’m talking about the SAC Welcome Party.
In the hustle and bustle of the very tense crowd were lovely energetic faces, encouraging shy students to get moving and get socialising. Some timid figures were shy to venture out of their comfortable group of friends - leading to an overall celebratory stand-still. Colour-coded awkward flowers stood in bundles, gathering their bearings, trying to remember the names of at least five people from their classes.
One of the main catalysts which thankfully led to full-on socialisation amongst many of us, was the robust persuasion by the second years, who most likely had gone through the same fate a year ago.
And, we mustn’t forget one other major helping factor - the brilliant music played by the second years as well as ex-SAC students. ‘Fubar' was especially splendid; delving deep into the sounds of both classical and contemporary rock, stringing out into indie and alternative genres, ultimately creating a taste for contentment among us first years. At that point, we had no choice but to sway our bodies to the immaculately strung chords and to strain our voices singing along to bits and pieces of recollected lyrics.
Food-lovers couldn’t really complain about a shortage; there were ample servings for the lot of us, and a scrumptious one at that. Even those who indulged in second helpings ate to their heart’s content. And, unlike most parties, the catering services were on-point, knowing exactly in which interval most of us desired to feed. But Fr. Jimmy and Fr. Edgar didn’t only act as our caterers, mind you. They were also responsible for one of the most rhythmic interpretations of the can-can yet. Oh yes, you’ve read it correctly. They danced the can-can.
You regret leaving early now, don’t you?
Assuming you even bothered to show up that is.
But the can-can wasn’t the only monumental event you missed. You missed dessert, my friend. And by dessert I mean the very precisely decorated SAC-emblemed cake we were given. And, as some outer appearances may stand to deceive you, this one didn’t. This one was as fabulous on the outside as it was on the inside.
It’s alright. You weren’t the only one who called it an early night. Seek the comfort of friends for this one.
The SAC Welcome Party was meant to be a fun-filled icebreaker. But in my opinion, (of course), it only partially fulfilled its duty. Many of us still can’t recall each other’s names (guilty-as-charged, sorry) and/or faces. We’ve a long way to go if we want to create a sense of community. But then again, who am I to judge?
Though, none of us can really complain and give detailed oppositions of why another night like this shouldn’t take place in the future, it was an eventful party and, was definitely an amusing night for the vast majority of us. Like everything else in life, your experience depends on perspective.
Emma M. Sammut