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The After-Soirée Blues

Let’s cut to the chase, Soirée 2015 disorientated us more effectively than preexamination adrenaline. The taste on your tongue is not only the joy and the aftermath of your actions or the satisfaction of having been part of the Cast, Orchestra or Crew. It’s something else altogether.

Soirée brought our little SAC community closer together. It brought us to life, and allowed us to exercise our talents to their full potentials. Four performances in a row — four night’s in a row questioning sanity. And all that work, effort, cooperation and solidarity gave the audiences a grand show. With barely a vacant seat in the theatre, the cast and crew went about their duties as if no one was watching and gave on a stellar performance none the less. It’s events like these which make you question the entire concept of teamwork. Without teamwork from both integral segments of Soirée, none of the success reaped would’ve been possible.

The SAC After Party, despite polemics and complications with the organisers, was an altogether enjoyable experience with friends and, loved ones (if I could wink with words, I would, at this point). The awkwardness in the aftermath was tangible, as well as entertaining. I’m sorry. But I’m being honest. Watching people turn red and whimper at a slight jab or mention, was hilarious. Playful banter, which promised some of us to arranged marriages and a loss of identity for an entire week. We only gathered ourselves again after that one eventful afternoon at the gazebos, on the eve of Valentine’s Day. Remedial help indeed, am I right? So many poems. And so little time (luckily for some). However, traditions, as insidious as they might seem, are traditions and have to be abided by.

All my articles, it seems, end in the same way. That is, me glorifying SAC and all its aspects. Though, this time, I’m going to go ahead and say this; SAC’s components are us. We and the administration build it up and in the same way we can dismantle it. If we neglect our responsibilities as functioning members of the student body, all of these thriving foundations will shatter into scattered shards of glass. SAC wouldn’t exist without us. We set the standards. We can either out live them or let future generations strengthen them. It is this playful competition that yields the best results, as seen in this year’s performances.

Might as well get yourself a tattoo because Soirée 2015 was surely a weekend to remember — and if you don’t bare physical remembrance, or any sort of remembrance (cue winking), I’m sure your trusty companions will be more than willing to share a picture or two. Every integrant worked in tandem to revel in two common notions — that of success and, perseverance.

…toqgħod tgħid, aħna l-Krema ta’ Malta.

’Til next year!


Emma Marie Sammut

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