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Soirée 2015 - Item Overview

Rewind, dir: Emma Blake, Lucia Buhagiar, Janine Camilleri, Saveria Cremona, Fran Demicoli and Christina Sant Fournier

Rewind, which boasts a large cast of singers and dancers, is set to be a musical tribute to past Soirée performances. Starting from 2008, this item aims to take us through Hairspray, Mamma Mia, The Lion King, Moulin Rouge, We Will Rock You, and Grease ending with last year's spectacle Wicked, giving something back to the many Aloysians past and present, who have ensured the success of Soirée throughout its precious years.

Motown Magic, dir: Christian Aquilina

This mash-up of four motown classics - harking back to the soul/R&B sound most popular in the 60s, featuring the greats such as Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye and the Jackson Five. This is sure to make all the classics fanatics in the audience nostalgic for better days, and the rest of us amazed at just how good pop music used to be.

SFD, dir: Julia Attard, Julia Frendo, Fran Griscti and Sarah Suleiman

An all-girls dance that hits you with a very specific and extravagant theme, which is, to quote its directors, is "creepy" and "mysterious". Maybe we can expect something similar to Michael Jackson's Thriller, with its smooth choreography and zombie costumes - we'll have to wait till we're in the auditorium just to be certain.

Are We Students or Are We Dancers?, dir: Julia Attard and Fran Griscti

Another dance, but this time with just guys. And that's not the last bit of dancing we're seeing today...

Stage Crew Item, dir: Thomas Catania, Glenn Debono and Nicole Saliba

The one most of us are waiting for. In the past the Crew item has been perhaps the most popular and long-anticipated item of all, not to take anything away from the hard work and dedication of all the other performers. This one is something of an epic, with no less than fifty five crew members covering eight different songs each of which have their own choreography. The point of the Stage Crew item, according to trusted inside sources, is to entertain people and make them laugh. We have high hopes, guys, no pressure

St. Aloysius Gospel Choir, dir: Sandro Grech and Lucienne Pace

And after all that dancing, some music. As they did last year, the Gospel Choir which is made up of talented musicians and singers alike will mostly cover songs with a religious theme - a bit of reflection amongst all the commotion of Soirée?

Piano Recital, dir: Luke Collins

Luke Collins here is to give a solo recital featuring two pieces. The first is Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, the second is an original composition called Étude d'Execution Fervente.

The Phantoms, dir: Chaya Fenech, Gigi Gatt, Francesca Gauci, Kelly Vella and Sara Vella

The people involved in The Phantoms are 2 pianists, a tuba player, a violinist, a drummer, two singers, and twelve dancers; an item made up of a number of lyrical movements with music and choreography working together to evoke the story of the much-loved 'Phantom of the Opera'. There are very high hopes for this one.

Chasing Icons, dir: Andrew Scicluna

Chasing Icons is a ten member band, with all of the regular instruments, four people singing, and a saxophone. They should be doing a mash-up of songs going from jazz to rock, and everywhere in between.

Sit back, and enjoy the show. #AloysiansDoItBest


Manuel Zarb and Seren Cakar

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