Chapter 3: No Friends, No Painful Ends
The very first day of school will forever be the landmark of a sixth form experience - whether it is remembered or not. Some people deliberately avoid storing the happenings of that particular day in their memory to simply not look back and regret what they did (or didn’t do). Those who do have a small nook in their brain reserved for that eventful day, most often would have experienced a somewhat memorable series of events.
Kalyn certainly wasn't about to forget what was going to happen on her already familiar day. Even now, she could hear the roots of loneliness creeping through her amongst the chatter of those already recognising familiar faces. The problem with rotating to a new school every two years is the lack of attachment to anyone close to becoming a friend. Something Kalyn learnt to avoid at five years of age - after the first heart-wrenching parting, thus resulting in her motto: No Friends, No Painful Ends. Now, as people around her shook hands (superficially she thought) and eagerly made their name known in useless hope of remembrance, Kalyn realised that in this school she was going to be expected to approach people herself. But, after all, Kalyn would only be here for two years so what was the point? Same as always; No friends, no painful ends.
That's what she had just convinced herself of when a young girl came walking up to her slowly. She looked slightly taller than Kalyn but she had the same curly, auburn hair, tanned skin and, as she got closer, Kalyn could make out a clutter of freckles surrounding her nose. Kalyn was surprised at the similarities and with her fertile imagination going wild, was already making up a story of her long-lost twin in her mind when she noticed a distinct feature which made them look entirely different. Their eyes. Kalyn's eyes were a dark green - almost emerald-like - whereas the other girl's were brown, Kalyn supposed, although from five steps away, they looked as black as a night-sky. Kalyn tried to focus on what the girl was saying and, put aside the aesthetic similarities.
"Hi," the girl told her, "I'm Rhodie. Pleased to meet you."
Rhodie was smiling at her, awaiting her response. She did not know that Kalyn had practically never experienced anyone talking to her in that genuine way. She looked at Rhodie and, hoped for the best.
"Kalyn," Kalyn said, attempting a smile.
She half expected Rhodie to put out her hand for her to shake but curiously enough, she didn't.
"You have a gorgeous name!" Rhodie exclaimed, still smiling.
Kalyn was finding it pretty hard to stick to her motto with the kind, caring words of this stranger who, for the first time in ten years, made her feel welcome on her first day of school. As they introduced themselves in the hallway, totally oblivious to anyone else, Kalyn hoped that this wouldn't be so bad after all.
Sarah Zammit Munro