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Chapter 4; Simon James

Simon James;

“I must say, I`m not a big fan of this place. Let`s be honest. I`m better than all of you. No arguments to be made. No questions to be asked. Plain and simple - I`m the best.”

Dear reader, you are probably asking what that quote refers to. That is a thought from Mr. Simon James’ head, who sadly, very much overestimates himself. That`s all from me, continue on with the lad.

“I don’t really understand these teachers, especially one bombastic, blonde, biology teacher - not to mention the other bombastic blonde who also happens to sit next to me during biology. Yes, ladies and irrelevants, I am not only a science student. I`m the top science student. Let`s have some fun shall we? I`m going to tell you the shocking truth - other science students are pricks! They think they are complete know-it-alls, when in reality, they have no vision. They don’t think about the bigger picture. They merely see those primitive and small-minded equations. I almost feel bad for them sometimes, but then again, I think I like being the best so, oh well.”

Simon in actual fact is far from being the brightest student in class. Well really, there are no upsides to him. He is a frivolous, pompous brat who has no actual friends except for… well, you`ll see eventually.

“…and the arts students! Truly, a terrible bunch. However, not as bad as the maths students. Maths students are simply science students who were either too lazy or too simple-minded for the grandeur of what truly matters. ”

I`m going to cut him off there to be honest. Now, let me tell you what`s been happening to our Draco Malfoy, I mean Simon James! He has integrated within the new school and is slowly competing amongst other students for positions of power, both academically and socially. The best example he could think of was running for student council. He was number 7 of 12 to speak. How he couldn`t stand the guy who won the election, with his casual demeanour and warm, light-hearted approach! The people want facts, not jokes! “Insert quote here” he said. He won the audience but not me, the battle but not the war. He also hated anyone who would claim a higher place than him - something of an elitist and a perfectionist in every possible way. You see, there is something you should know about him, he is a real prick. He is a selfish bastard at best and quite frankly, the crudest human being at worst and that is how he feels about everyone else. On the bright side, he is a ridiculously hard worker. His passion for power consumes him and drives him, motivates him and manipulates him. He recites his equations for hours, sketches his diagrams for days and sucks up to his teachers for weeks at a time.

I really do hope that his demeanour improves, or else he will really have it coming. He is ambitious thankfully. However, let`s play with the colours and leave him in the grey area for now, because he has a lot of heartache coming his way.

Luke Abela

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