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I feel like I'm being by this guy... Let's call him 'Frigg'. Anyways Frigg always feels like he can

Re: I feel like I'm being by this guy... Let's call him 'Frigg'. Anyways Frigg always feels like he can do anything just because he has a muscular body. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I feel like Frigg keeps disrespecting me, and this hurts my feelings. Dear reader, We’d like to point out the fact that you left out a keyword in your question, and we’re going to assume it’s along the lines of “threatened” or “harassed”. Okay. So this Frigg, of yours, if he’s making you feel inferior, why hang around him? You shouldn’t be around people who disrespect you, irrespective of what they were to you in a past life or what you presume them to be presently. If it’s just playful banter between a group of friends, fine - you can brush it off as friendly endeavour. But, if his snarky remarks are hurtful and attack you a personal level, then rest assured you don’t need this bad karma in your life. People will make you feel inferior all the time. Though, in order to rise above the rude and insensitive comments they’ll hurl your way, you must dodge them - and by that I don’t mean ignore them (both you and I know it’s difficult to), but believe in yourself. You are a person. You have feelings. You deserve to be treated kindly. You have virtues. You are valued. Don’t take to stupid remarks - don’t let them degrade you. People’s opinions shouldn’t define who you are. What I suggest is talking or gentle confrontation. Don’t lash out. Don’t show anger. If Frigg has bad intentions, he’ll feed off your rage and make your situation worse. If Frigg constantly puts up the I’m-so-macho-look-at-me-don’t-mind-you-you-inferior-infidel act, forget him. Move on. Make new friends. Meet new faces. Putting up with pointless venom isn’t worth it. Remind yourself of your self-worth. Don’t let mockery diminish you. Yours faithfully, The Advice Team

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