Do you need to have a meeting to speak to the counsellor or can you just go at any time?
Re: Do you need to have a meeting to speak to the counsellor or can you just go at any time? Dear Reader, You go up to the counsellor and...
This isn't really an advice thing but do you think there's a higher proportion of mentally ill peopl
Re: This isn't really an advice thing but do you think there's a higher proportion of mentally ill people in this school than in other...
I got an exam result back and I feel like I'm not good at anything
Re: I got an exam result back and I feel like I'm not good at anything Dear Reader, It’s understandable that you might feel incapable...
I am concerned my boyfriend is no longer interested in me anymore.
Re: i am concerned my boyfriend is no longer interested in me anymore. he stares at this girl all the time.HELP! Dear reader, First...
We're all in one group at school and, a guy i had a history with which ended recently stays with us,
Re: We're all in one group at school and, a guy i had a history with which ended recently stays with us,school and outside school, and I...
I really like this guy but we don't really get to talk very often since he stays with a different gr
Re: I really like this guy but we don't really get to talk very often since he stays with a different group and i only really know one...
I feel like I'm being by this guy... Let's call him 'Frigg'. Anyways Frigg always feels like he can
Re: I feel like I'm being by this guy... Let's call him 'Frigg'. Anyways Frigg always feels like he can do anything just because he has a...
Best friend made up with someone she hated, now she's forgetting me
Re: Best friend made up with someone she hated, now she's forgetting me There are probably two feelings you hold towards your best friend...
How to procrastinate less?
Re: How to procrastinate less? Ok, we're sure everybody has had trouble with this at one point or another so don’t feel like you’re alone...
I used to be one of the best in class, now I'm feeling inferior..
Re: I feel really inferior at school because I used to be the intelligent one in my class but now I'm just average or below average. ...